четверг, 28 января 2016 г.

How to prepare for State Final Assessment and External Independent Testing.
There are texts which provide practice and exam tasks in Reading, Use of English and Writing.
All of these skills are practised at B 1 level (of the Common European Framework)
Also included are useful tips on how to study for the exams,on how to do certain exam task types, and on important language points. You will find plenty of How to study tips.Use these tips as much as you can.


Exam tips.

Before you fill in any gaps pay special attention to the words before and after each gap. First you decide what part of speech it needs to be. Always check your answers to make sure they fit logically as well as grammatically.

Task1     Fill in the gaps with a word from the list below to complete the sentences.


1 Looking at this pictures makes me feel..............about the future.
2 this image shows a very...............prospect.
3 The message here is..............
4These two images are quite closely ................
5 This pictures make me ..............to know what will happen to this land.

 Task 2    Write an essay about environmental issues, consider the following; growing demand for consumer goods, transport requirement,businesses need resources, close down polluting factories, run publicity campaign. 

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