English - speaking countries

I. Canada
 It is a land of beautiful beaches and rocky shores, high mountains and rolling hills, yellow prairies and green pastures. French and English explorers came to Canada, but the story of the native population is tragic.

II. Scotland

Scotland has been part of the lives and works of great writers and poets inspired by the beauty and
mistery of its nature. Can you remember their names?
Scotland is the land of mountains, deep lakes.....( continue the list of well known facts about the country )
Listen to the old romantic song " My Bonnie". Sing it with the right pronunciation and follow the stress words.


History beginnigs
 The Civil war was the most tragic page in American history. For a long time the North and South each developed defferently. The leading city in the South was Charleston full of amazing sights, splendid architecture, picturesque gardens. The nationaly problem of slavery eas centered in Charleston and the first shorts of the Civil war was made in Fort Sumter which is located in Charleston harbour.

IV. Ispired to teach... Inspired to communicate...

Skype press-conference with American students.

4 комментария:

  1. I really like the skype press-conference with American students!Its a brilliant idea!

  2. I really like the skype press-conference with American students!Its a brilliant idea!

  3. I am glad you like it.Speaking is the best way to practice your language.

  4. Thanks to your skype press-conference pupils understand how to be open to the world. They can communicate with their foreign friends and understand the style of their life. You gave them this great opportunity. Thank you and good luck!!!
